Regenerable Ion Exchange Resin

Pease, anläggning 8: Regenererbart jonbytarsystem för grundvattensanering


SituationDen tidigare Pease Air Force Base (Pease) i Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA fungerade i många år som utbildningsanläggning för brandförsvaret i staten New Hampshire. Vattenhaltigt filmbildande skum (AFFF) användes i de [...]

Pease, anläggning 8: Regenererbart jonbytarsystem för grundvattensanering2021-07-06T17:12:37+00:00

RAAF Base Tindal, NT Australia


Treatment Objective > (0.07 ug/L PFOS + PFHxS) (0.56 ug/L PFOA) Waste Generated 37m3 Volume Treated To Date >2.5 billion litres Treatment [...]

RAAF Base Tindal, NT Australia2024-04-24T23:27:07+00:00

RAAF Base Williamtown Moors Drain


Treatment Objective < (0.07 ug/L PFOS + PFHxS) (0.56 ug/L PFOA) Waste Generated 33m3 Volume Treated To Date >750 Million litres PFAS [...]

RAAF Base Williamtown Moors Drain2024-04-24T23:27:37+00:00

RAAF Base Williamtown Groundwater


We Believe The World Needs Better Ways To Treat PFAS Opportunity Extensive environmental investigations at RAAF Base Williamtown commencing in 2014 identified per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances [...]

RAAF Base Williamtown Groundwater2024-07-19T21:03:46+00:00

Synthetic media treatment for 1,4-dioxane remediation site in Florida


Project highlights and product features Full-scale application designed to treat groundwater from a large footprint remediation project System treats a mixture of groundwater extracted from source area and edge of plume [...]

Synthetic media treatment for 1,4-dioxane remediation site in Florida2024-04-24T23:31:13+00:00

Treating chlorinated solvents in groundwater with synthetic adsorbents


Project highlights and product features Installed by ECT2’s parent company, design treats 20 to 30 gpm continuously from near saturation concentrations to ND @ at 5 ppb System has been operating [...]

Treating chlorinated solvents in groundwater with synthetic adsorbents2024-04-24T23:31:43+00:00

Synthetic media treatment of 1,4-dioxane from thermal remediation


Project highlights and product features In the field beta test of Dow’s AMBERSORB product on critical application Full-scale application to treat groundwater from impacted soil associated with a large thermal remediation [...]

Synthetic media treatment of 1,4-dioxane from thermal remediation2024-04-24T23:32:41+00:00
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